Added: 15th August 2013

What They Asked For:

A way of promoting the newly launched boohooMAN clothing range at one of the largest celebrations of gay culture, Manchester Pride. 

What We Did:

Provided an array of talented hair and makeup artists as well as stylish brand ambassadors to assist with the running of a fashion bus promotional vehicle.  The bus itself was fully furnished with styling stations where members of the public could hop on board and our team could get to work, providing them with a complimentary PRIDE look as well as viewing the four key trends from boohooMEN: Freshman, True Grit, Militarian and Vive Le Punk.

Our brand ambassadors took to Sackville Gardens encouraging people onto the bus and offering free style advice as well distributing free rain ponchos and boohoo wrist bands allowing users a fantastic further 20% when placing an order.


The bus itself saw thousands of people get the PRIDE look and it was an amazing opportunity for IE to work with this online trend led fashion company with Danae Abadom, IE director saying of the activation: “we place a strong emphasis on style and design here at IE and are always fashion forward in our thinking so teaming up with boohoo was a real honour for us”.


"“The event ran really well this weekend and the girls were great!” "

Kate Beardow - Marketing Projects Assistant -

Other case studies for

Boohoo Promotional Model Manchester
Boohoo Pride

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Boohoo SummerBoohoo.commanchester brand ambassadorManchester promotional modelmanchester promotional vehicle