Shopping Angels at Dalton Park

Dalton Park Shopping Angels

Added: 11th December 2015

Our team of Customer Service + Shopping Angels have descended on Dalton Park Outlet Shopping Centre this festive season, sharing random acts of kindness and supporting the centre’s shoppers e.... View Details

The Copper & Breathalyser Road Respect Pop-Up Shop

Added: 25th June 2014

Independent Events have continued their successful Road Respect campaigns by bringing a brand new pop-up shop to the Gateshead based intu Metrocentre.

The FIFA world cup is currently taki.... View Details

Dalton Park Pop Up Shop

Added: 3rd June 2013

Over the February half term we were hard at work at Dalton Park working on a popup shop to show off the park's outdoor-oriented stores.

The popup shop was located to the right hand si.... View Details